Michael McGregor studio still life, copyright Diana Koenigsberg

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A little bit about me, and what you can expect to find here. I’m a freelance, commercial photographer, based in Los Angeles, CA.

I’m interested in what drives people to create, and gives them with that joie de vivre. I’ve always surrounded myself with fellow creatives, for work and for my personal life. Over the years I’ve done many studio visits as a part of my personal work, and photographed many designers and creatives for work. I see this project as an extension of this, but so much more. This space gives me the opportunity to share insights into each person’s PROCESS, how they think, calibrate and maintain their creative practice.



Here’s what you’ll see, read, hear and get here, but not in that order. 2- 3 times a month you’ll get to meet a new person, someone delightful, brilliant and talented, who has things to say about their process and insights to share.

Artist Kim West in her LA home studio, copyright Diana Koenigsberg

If you are a paid subscriber, you’ll be supporting me in creating this goodness with you. Behind the pay wall, will be individualized play lists created by each artist, and helpful curated content by me for you about them.

I’m interested in exploring how emotional sustainability and daily rituals can help to maintain a creative practice that is robust and helps people lead better lives. These conversations are some of what you’ll read about here.

Subscribed publication archives.

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All of us live and work differently, and there’s so much to be learned from having conversations. I look forward to taking you with me…Let’s go!

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To learn more about the tech platform that powers this publication, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to P R O C E S S E D

An exploration of what makes a creative life, featuring the most talented people in fashion, art, design & craft.


Collector of Ideas, Art and Beauty Photographer, coffee drinker, Bon vivant